Steve Jobs once said, ‘You’ve got to find what you love’¦ the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking, and don’t settle.’
So passion must lead to a satisfying career, right? Not necessarily.
We asked Logan Lyles, Allison Kern, and Perry Lane this question: What does passion mean to you?
Perry, Logan, and Allison shared personal stories of how their passions and their work overlap. They also explored whether one’s professional path is typically revealed in an epiphany or more gradually over time.
Logan Lyles is the Director of Partnerships at Sweet Fish Media and host of the B2B Growth Show.
Perry Lane is a principal at Skybridge Associates and SVP and Head of Digital Marketing at Barlow Designs.
Allison Kern is a Producer at Sweet Fish Media.